Saturday, August 24, 2024

Old Net > New Net

Now I’m no one to yap about the old net , I just have an opinion on what social media should be, so yeah, keep that in mind. 

I was born sometime after Facebook and before Reddit, so yes, I am an adult, for all those who seem to think 2005 was 10 years ago. But even just being under 20 I still had the experiences of growing up without a device in my face everyday. It really only started in Middle School when I saw a dramatic increase in my technology independence, like, I’m gonna sound old saying this, but, kids shouldn't have unrestricted internet access at that young of a age (its my fault btw, I understand why Gen Alpha loves “rizzing up level 10 gyatts in Ohio goated with the sauce style while watching Coco Mellon” and quote (quote is by me, get off me you english professor). Hitting the fast forward button, we move into high school (insert disgusted Spongebob/Patrick Star face), where I not only had most of my classes online but where I found the glorious reddit! Yippie!!! Oh, to clarify, I knew nothing about laptops on my first day of online school, so that's why I might sound based when talking about the vial piece of dog shit that is reddit!! I ALSO was getting out of instagram and musically (similar to tik tok), to focus on a more personal social experience. For example, I ran cross country (which is the go to band kid sport), participated in clubs, and hung out with IRL friends. Anywho the pandemic happened, bla, bla, bla. I binged Youtube every day and found reddit and all its offerings. I also never saw anyone in person, butttttt, huge ass, I was able to go outside a lot, which I did, I helped get an antique 1930s coupe running, so that was cool. So yeah, I touched grass, still do, it was one of the most important things keeping me sane during those times. Butt, small ass, I still relied/rely on youtube for news, memes, music, and furry po… (“Lenny winking face”, I’m joking btw, there's better sites, still joking). What I’m trying to say (note - please stop adding in parentheses) is that social media, while I don't directly use it, affects me negatively. AND I WANT TO CHANGE THAT! 

So in recent times I’ve been visiting forms (not the ones on facebook for Christ Sake), blogs, and websites. Now these can range from anything, from camera repair guides, to furry po… Yeah, you get the point, you can find anything of interest outside of Social Media. But there's a slight dent in the back, no one can find them because of their 95% market share Google ass browser with its AI shitpanion. AND, their more obscure due to their speciality which makes them the second option to, bleh, reddit and facebook. Now, to clarify even more, reddit is very opinion based, you go to a sub thats loves pizza and ask “pizza is unhealthy but I still want to eat it every meal” and every comment will say “no it's not” or “i eat pizza with a tub of lard every meal and I’m still alive. Edit: 20 Male, weight issues, mental issues, NEET, shut in, no GED (no offense to these groups, just a reddit stereotype). And, Faceforanasswhipe (Facebook) is full of ads, bots, and scammers. I mean there are not bad options, but you have to be werry. It's important to educate yourself and check with multiple resources before landing on one thing. HA! I hope an executive was reading the last sentence where I said “not bad”, because I want you to know that that was I lieee. No, being a jokester again, these are just my opinions, both have positive and negative impacts on my life. I know I can’t leave FB because I message my foreign family and friends often, BUT, that doesn't mean I binge it. But these independent sites don't have that, especially forms where you can ask and receive information about one particular interest, like furry po… They are just one thing without the hustle and bustle of social media. Another thing that is important about these sites is that they are volunteer owned and ran, meaning everyone should be passionate about whatever they are yapping about. For example, I like 70-80 Japanese Rock/Funk Music, blogs Jpop80ss3 introduced to new genres and bands, Neocities and Github Pages helped me learn to host my first HTML/CSS projects. Another one more could be 9Anime, a place to watch free anime, but… With all good things comes a price, blogs with music are often taken down to copyright issues and movie hosting platforms often have lots of ads (I hope you have an ad blocker already). These are just the more well known ones, you don’t have to look hard (don’t go to the dark web), you just have to reignite that spark of curiosity that the modern online education system took from us. Anyways, I’m still learning the independent blog/website world. I know you can find and speak with genuine humans on the internet without having arguments nowadays. To get involved just look up a topic that interests you and collaborate with others with similar ideas. That's how innovation is made, that's how friends are made, and most importantly… just join an IRL club where you can socialize.

Thanks for reading this! I, just, probably not like you, am learning the kinks of coding, publishing, and messaging without the help of big corporations that steal our data (Bald Eagle/Red Hawk Sound). So yeah, while social media might seem important, physical interactions are far more important. Bye!

TLDR: Again, Thanks! Social media has removed social interactions, personal blogs/websites/forms are the places to go for authentic ideas, “information” (cross reference with other sources), and people (not bots like Facebook). There's some sites below that are examples of forms/blogs/etc. BTW, they are not linked because I don’t want dead links. Bye

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